
November Government Affairs - City of Los Altos Housing Element Update
Join us for an in person Government Affairs meeting at the City Council Chambers with City of Los Altos Development Services Director Nick Zornes.In this session Nick will provide a Housing Element Update. Topics will include an overview of what's going on it town, the changes that have occurred in the city code, a parking study for downtown and the hiring of the city’s housing manager.
The Los Altos Chamber Government Affairs Committee studies, analyzes & formulates positions on issues affecting the Los Altos business community, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on public policy positions, monitors government actions & communicates chamber positions to appropriate officials to encourage positive actions, attends city council or commission meetings and expresses chamber opinions.

Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 1, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
This Government Affairs Meeting will be held IN PERSON
City Council Chambers
1 N. San Antonio Road
Los Altos, CA 94022
Contact Information
Kimberly Mosley
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